Afternoon Prayer
Wednesdays (Use the “Holy Ghost Check-In” Zoom link) 1:00-1:30 pm. (Meeting ID 897 6320 7400)
Morning Prayer
Monday Through Friday 6:00-6:45 am (Conference Call-425-436-6336 Code: 123971#)
Mini-Bible Study
Thursday (Zoom) 7:30- 8:30 pm (Meeting ID 891 9853 7046)
Communion (Shabbat)
Friday (Zoom) 8-9pm (latest) (Meeting ID 852 9889 7971)
Prophetic Music Class
Next Class TBA
Sunday Service
Sunday (Zoom) 11:00am EST(Meeting ID: 489 601 560)
Children's Church
Sunday (Zoom) 10:00- 10:30 am (Meeting ID: 847 7193 0544 / Passcode: 558498)
Women of Purpose
First Sunday of the month.(Meeting ID: 489 601 560)
15 min after Sunday Service